I got mugs for my roommates for Chirstmas this year... Christine is the giraffe, Rita is the elephant and Molly is the Zebra. I got the monkey. Also, here are two versions of Yeasayer's "Wait for the Summer" which I have been listening to compulsively lately. I just got back from Thanksgiving break (it was very good) and have to read a bunch (including Perfume: The Story of a Murderer... which is really very good, as is the movie. I need to find my copy (of the book) and need to get a copy (of the movie) now that I think of it) so I will keep this concise.
Also... there are some good ones in here by Chema Madoz. I had a crazy film shoot filled weekend. We shot for like 17 hours or something on Saturday. And then a few hours on Friday and Sunday. I really loved my DP though (I was 1st AC), we have been talking about shooting a BFA together... and there has been talk of shooting it in Tibet (!) We'll see though. I have soooo much to do. Especially photography wise... night photography. Hopefully I will get it all in with jury duty (so sad I have to go again on Monday, but what can you do). Also, I submitted my application for Prague today, fingers crossed! I've had "A Day in the Life" stuck in my head. I really rather like this video. The kid falling with the gun is something K and I were talking about a bit back. I've also been listening to quite a bit of Radiohead lately.
Here are two photographs from a photographer named Phillip Toledano. He has a few different projects, themes and books. His most recent is called phone sex and documents the people who are phone sex operators in their own homes. I really rather like the photo down there. Also, there is many a great image of Brigitte Bardot.
I was reading about punks for my deviance class while listening to this and it made me visualize a scene for a movie. This song would be playing at a punk party and everything would be slowed down. I can visualize it very well and I imagine punk scenes from the punk kids I used to hang around with a little bit. I think it would be interesting to make a movie encapsulating the punk world of the kids in the valley. It is strange to think about at the same time. We watched the beginning of this film Jubilee in my film class:
"Jubilee is a 1977 cult film directed by Derek Jarman. It stars Jenny Runacre, Ian Charleson, and a host of proto-Goths and punk rockers. In Jubilee, Queen Elizabeth I is transported forward in time by the occultist John Dee through the spirit guide Ariel (a character from Shakespeare's The Tempest. Queen Elizabeth arrives in the shattered Britain of the 1970s. Queen Elizabeth II is dead, killed in an arbitrary mugging, and Elizabeth I moves through the social and physical decay of the city observing the activities of a group of sporadic nihilists called Amyl Nitrate (Jordan), Bod (Jenny Runacre), Chaos (Hermine Demoriane), Crabs (Nell Campbell), and Mad (Toyah Willcox). The film is heavily influenced by the 1970s punk aesthetic in its style and presentation. Shot in grainy colour it is largely plotless, episodic, untidy, confrontational, often incoherent and noisily anti-establishment and anti-royalty (Buckingham Palace has become a recording studio run by a seedy music producer named Borgia Ginz). Numerous punk icons appear in the film including Jordan (the Malcolm McLaren protege), Toyah Willcox, Nell Campbell (Little Nell), Adam Ant, Hermine Demoriane and Wayne County. It features performances by Wayne County and Adam and the Ants. There are also cameo appearances by The Slits and Siouxsie and the Banshees. The film was scored by Brian Eno.
There is this part where Mad, the orange haired one says: "Don't like your house? Burn it down! Don't like your street? Demolish it!" or something along those lines.