I have plenty of things I could be doing but naturally the internet is far to distracting for me to pay any attention to them. Last night I was on set from 5pm to 5am. We shot in Mansfeild (I think) which is about 30 minutes outside of the city. The shoot wasn't too bad, though it was brutally cold outside. We did have a fire in a barrel due to the fact that we were filming a homeless scene which was nice to stand by between shots. Here is a production still via Matt Figler's blackberry (and facebook):

I ended up eating a ton because our lovely producers kept serving us food and hot drinks and today I am quite full still. We drove back to the city expecting to see the sunrise but I guess it doesn't occur until closer to seven. When we got back I sat with Figz and talked about our grandmas while we waited for the producers to tell us where to park Evan's car. Then we went into a crazy parking garage that had a car wash in it and that spit us out all the way by the Paramount building which made for a colder walk back. I slept in late today. Here is this fantastic photo that Emma took:
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