Super 8 Summer and September from Riley Ziesig on Vimeo.
I like that video because its super eight and its of all my friends. Riley made it. I think I really should get a Super 8 camera, especially for the road trip out to LA this summer. Oh summer, I can't wait for it to be nice out. I was imagining the last time I visited Keighley this summer when I went to a park near her house and sat in the shade of a tree. It was hot out but the shade made things comfortable. No one else was in the park with me and I listened to music looking up at the clouds and the leaves getting lazily pushed around by the breeze. A cat came up to me while I was sitting there which was bizarre. I want to sit outside in the sun and draw like the last weekend at the castle. Or like when Kevin and I got sandwiches and sat on a blanket on the grass outside of a science fair. There were kids everywhere in white lab coats that were too big for them. I want warmth from the sun and lazy breezes and grass to sit on. We've had a few days where Boston pretended it was becoming Spring only for it to slap us with bone chilling cold immediately after. Yesterday was unbearably freezing. Right now I can see sunshine but I know that it is still cold out so it is bittersweet. Yesterday I was a nude model for Lucy's photo practicum shoot. There were five girls and we all got make up done to make it look like we had been beat up and abused.

We had to pose in a variety of different ways including piling on top of each other, spooning in a row, lined up like sardines with plastic around us, hanging from a pipe. I get to see them in class on Thursday. It should be interesting to see how I feel with my entire class looking at me naked, but right now I feel okay about it. It was a really comfortable situation in all honesty. There was a good energy in the room and we all seemed fine with the nakedness. We all had to have our hair in pigtails with red ribbon around them and were in a open apartment with white washed walls and a wood floor. It was a open space so it was cold when we got there. There was a tiny little heater on the wall that we would all crowd around between set ups. Seeing the other naked girls crowed around the heater with red ribbon in their hair and sunlight streaming in through the window was beautiful. I really wish I could have documented that because it was a image that made me stop and think. It was really incredible to be in this situation with a group of people, some of whom I had not met yet, where we were all naked together in a room and comfortable. It was beautiful, they were all beautiful. The people photographing us kept saying so as well. So it went well and I am excited to see the end result. Actually speaking of photography, I really need to get into the darkroom and develop some film. I am just having a hard time finding the motivation with my recent cold. Blah.