I went on another thrifting excursion with my mom the other day and found a few lovely items. Buttoned flats, velvet-esk slip-ons with subtle pinstripes, a strapless bubble-ish dress, a Marc by Marc Jacobs top for ten dollars and a cardigan in pink and green. I've also included what I am wearing today, above, because I am rather fond of the top.
I just woke up frantically thinking that I was running late. I dashed around my room throwing on clothes and boots before looking at the time once more to realize I still had 35 minutes until I had to be there, and 20 minutes before I had to go. I guess it was a good way for me to get moving seeing as I'm dressed and ready to go now with time to spare. Also, I was having strange dreams, one of which involved Keighley and I making Thanksgiving dinner (but we were making it at the lady I babysit for's "house.") but it was an unusal spread. There were two pig heads on the counter for example. Chelsea's boyfriend Matt came over and I discovered that K had a gymnastic's gym in her house (apparently it was her house now) and there were strange children jumping on a trampoline. I kept getting text message after text message that hadn't be able to get through, one of which took me on a virtual ride down a street in New York. Janine was upstairs taking care of Keighley's little niece and Teagan, but it turned out that she was actually Kir (the lady I babysit for). We were just addressing the issues of invitations to Thanksgiving (which K's mom was insisting on) when I woke with a start and dashed out of bed.
So K made the most fantastic discovery there was to discover today by the way of lomography. It is a Diana Instant Back... meaning put this on the back of your diana and you can take Instax photos! Like polaroids but on a DIANA! I flipping love lomo. I wish I had more money to spend on cameras. I still want an Instax. When I told my mom of this discovery she said "well put it on your Christmas list." K is getting an Instax, so naturally I'm quite jealous. I plan on acquiring this back though, so I can't really be too jealous. I found a little blurb about it as well as an article about polaroid for those interested. Like me. I got a really fantastic birthday gift today from my old roommate Kelly. She is really wonderful. My suitemate Jenn also got me a good birthday spread with lots of little owl and dino things. Kelly's present was completely mail themed.A necklace with a postcard and airplane... she engraved my name on the front of the postcard, she works at an engraving shop. Sticky notes.A "carve your own" wooden postcard. A thin wooden postcard. Also, speaking of mail, the post office managed to misplace a bunch of our mail when we were gone. It was all returned today which resulted in me getting a nice little heap of letters and postcards, as well as my roommate assignment for this next year. I may try to switch into a four person suite (a handicap/disability room) since the opportunity may have just presented itself... though I feel bad because I just got in contact with the roommates I have now. Regardless, I was very happy to get my little stack of mail. Now I'm just working on writing back to my several correspondence buddies. I send a lot of mail. Now where is my pen?
P.S. I just went downstairs to find my parents dancing around to Big Joe Turners "Shake, Rattle and Roll."
I have been meaning to put a post up on here for some time now, since I got back from Connecticut. Actually since I was in Connecticut. Anyway, now I am finally doing it. I am including my ten SX-70 Polaroids that I took while I was there because I'm rather fond of them.
Sailboats, Thimble Islands. Crowd at The Vibes Music Festival.Sunset, Getting Pizza.The shore at The Vibes.
Evan and Dad getting suites for the wedding at Men's Warehouse. On the dock, Thimble Islands. Topless woman, The Vibes. Sunlight through a window on the bedroom floor, Colleen's old room. Evan at the airport in Dallas.
The trip was a good one, we did quite a few fun and fantastic things, such as: *Spent a few days in New York City, where we: -Saw a Broadway production of Chicago -Went to Strawberry Fields in Central Park at dusk and laid in the grass watching fireflies (or lightning bugs as my dad calls them) -Went to Carnegie Deli at two in the morning for Knishes and other Jewish/potato delights -Wandered around the Village eating strange flavors of sorbet, Andean blackberry for example -Visited a old classic barbershop so dad could get his hair cut by an old Italian man -Ate black and white cookies *Went to Colleen's wedding -Took place on my 20th birthday -Open bar, rowdy bunch, a lot of dancing -After party in the hotel, more dancing -Stumbled into the hotel room with dad at three in the morning, both parties intoxicated *Went to Ian's beach house (that he is renting for the summer) on two occasions -Sat in the sun -Went to the abandoned island town of Pleasure Beach and explored the ruins (more to come) -Played in the water with a surfboard (to float on mostly) and small sailboat -Found sea glass -Hit shells into the water with plastic baseball bats -Ate Irish cheese and crackers *Went on a boat tour of the Thimble Islands -Road on a little boat with a pirate enthused captain -Saw the houses of Thimble Island *Ate an Carnival Ice Cream Cake -For my birthday *Went to the Vibes Music Festival -Saw Crosby, Stills and Nash and lots of topless women, drugged out people and "hippies" -Walked through the mud -Got caught in downpour (a huge thunder clap sounded after their last song) And so on... I suppose those were the highlights. I enjoyed myself quite a bit, it was a good trip. Though I have to admit, trips with my family usually are, especially when my dad is around. He has a knack of finding all kinds of fun and interesting things to do.
Also, I was just listening to Led Zeppelin's "Going to California" which reminds me of my childhood. I rather like it. I decided to look up the lyrics:
Spent my days with a woman unkind, Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine. Made up my mind to make a new start, Going to california with an aching in my heart. Someone told me theres a girl out there With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair. Took my chances on a big jet plane, Never let them tell you that theyre all the same. The sea was red and the sky was grey, Wondered how tomorrow could ever follow today. The mountains and the canyons started to tremble and shake As the children of the sun began to awake. Seems that the wrath of the gods Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow; I think I might be sinking. Throw me a line if I reach it in time Ill meet you up there where the path Runs straight and high. To find a queen without a king; They say she plays guitar and cries and sings. La la la la Ride a white mare in the footsteps of dawn Tryin to find a woman whos never, never, never been born. Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams, Telling myself its not as hard, hard, hard as it seems.
There are some lines I really like, and some that are kinda strange, such as: "Seems that the wrath of the gods, got a punch on the nose and it started to flow;" But as I've said, I like it.
Finally, K sent me my horoscope today via text message: "Someone has an unrealistic dream. Should you encourage this? Of course. All dreams are unrealistic until they're not." I think its really quite fantastic.