Friday, August 14, 2009


I just woke up frantically thinking that I was running late. I dashed around my room throwing on clothes and boots before looking at the time once more to realize I still had 35 minutes until I had to be there, and 20 minutes before I had to go. I guess it was a good way for me to get moving seeing as I'm dressed and ready to go now with time to spare. Also, I was having strange dreams, one of which involved Keighley and I making Thanksgiving dinner (but we were making it at the lady I babysit for's "house.") but it was an unusal spread. There were two pig heads on the counter for example. Chelsea's boyfriend Matt came over and I discovered that K had a gymnastic's gym in her house (apparently it was her house now) and there were strange children jumping on a trampoline. I kept getting text message after text message that hadn't be able to get through, one of which took me on a virtual ride down a street in New York. Janine was upstairs taking care of Keighley's little niece and Teagan, but it turned out that she was actually Kir (the lady I babysit for). We were just addressing the issues of invitations to Thanksgiving (which K's mom was insisting on) when I woke with a start and dashed out of bed.