Monday, January 11, 2010


So I have been looking into Polaroid things again. I wish I had unlimited money to spend on cameras and film. But here are two interesting videos on the matter. First, Lady Gaga has been made the creative director of Polaroid. Her hair makes for an interesting hat.


And, the people of the Impossible project have a video about new products and such.


They also have a fantastic website that is selling old and new film, and cool wonderful cameras such as the Holgaroid. I want some of their artistic SX 70 film soooo bad.

In other instant film news, I need to get some Instax film that fits my camera and figure out what to do with the wide format my mother gave me for xmas along with my Diana back (!!!) I also have to make two self portraits for my History of Photo class next semester. It seems like it will be an interactive class which is good and fun. Brian McNeil teaches a chunk of the class on Polaroid in Boston so I hope the castle class has a bit about it too. I also have a good chunk of Polaroids to scan.

1 comment:

Keighley said...


'you can see more of lady gaga and that ridiculous hat'.