In addition to the family there are a handful of other people that I hope I will continue to be friends with. It was a really good group of people in general. In the past three months I visited Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands, Ireland, Spain and Prague. I've also consumed a lot of alcohol, explored the wilderness around Well, rode my bike, dressed up, made things and loved everything. It was truly fantastic, and yes, the trip of a lifetime. Now I am home and cleaning the house for Christine's visit on the 10th. I am going to get a new passport this afternoon (so I can sneak back into Prague) and pick up Evan from school. It should be fun to drive in my little car again. Before I came here I had a few days in Boston that were really fantastic though they were jet lagged. Kallie has been using the living room of the Nancy Drew house as a concert venue and I went to a show there on Friday night that featured three bands that were all really good. I really like that whole group of people in general really and with live music it just makes it all the better. Anyway, I suppose I should get back to finishing my little projects around the house. I am baking raspberry bars while I finish cleaning.
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