Sunday, November 28, 2010


Okay. So not to be ridiculous. And post this on both blogs. And post this after Keighley. But seriously. This music video is brilliant. Enough so that I need to blab on about the framing for a little bit. First the beginning frame is a wonderful use of foreground, middleground and background and action coming into frame. Its like the dance floor scene in Loves of a Blonde (which is a wonderfully shot film as well. Watch it.) And then there is a ballerina on the left side of the frame through most of it who is kinda separated from the rest and cut off of a bit from the frame, it is SO BRILLIANT and wonderful. Its like those photographs that are made by the little extras at the edge of the frame. I'm sure Lauren Shaw, my photo teacher, would be into it. I mean just look at the freeze frame on the paused video, the ballerina on the right is cut off half way through her face but it is fantastic. In addition all of the overheads are slightly cropped or to the side and it works so well. The framing is just mesmerizing and inspiring to me and my cinematography head. I also have to say the colors are fantastic. As is the set and costume design. I need to know who shot this.

1 comment:

Keighley said...

hah. I knew you'd love this---I figured you'd seen it already. xoxo