Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I've been having a fabulous week. Christmas was so great, I got the best gift EVER! My parents rock. I feel kind of stupid saying that but they seriously do. I went over to Ian's house after my radio show with Niko, and we celebrated Christmas a second time with Ian's family. It was really nice. We made paper snowflakes, went caroling, ate delicious food, opened presents, played with the cat. It was a really nice atmosphere. I went back to his house the next day and spent lots of time cuddling with him. Hehe. My family came over to have dinner. We played a lot of guitar hero. It was ridiculous. And really fun. I spent the night. Ian was putting programs on my computer until 2:30 in the morning. I fell asleep on the couch. I have this wonderful memory though of Ian playing "Ain't No Sunshine." I'm not really sure what makes it so nice. Something. Maybe just the fact that I fell asleep while he was there. Hard to explain. I made sugar cookies while I was babysitting today. I get to see Ian tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ian said...

I'm going to come get you.