I was looking around the heaps of things on my floor today... the nine boxes, overflowing suitcases, and various spilling piles when I spotted a brown bag that I received from Ian for Christmas. Inside was one of my favorite cameras and a roll of film.

Ian somehow managed to find me my own brick... an SX70 Polaroid camera, and a actual case for it, in the form of the cute brown bag that I spotted in my room, as well as original directions. And he threw in one of his last rolls of SX70 film, which was discontinued a few years ago.

Lorraine bought a bunch of boxes of the film when it was discontinued and Ian and I used to shoot them on his brick. I have been really nervous and hesitant to shoot my "roll" because I know that once I do my camera won't be used very much again, I just have my ten photos left.

That said, though it can be heartbreaking to use my very last Polaroids, I will use them when the time comes, and despite the fact that once they will be gone my brick won't get a ton of action, I love it and its one of my most favorite gifts. I've included photos of how it pops up... it starts flat: thus why we call it a brick.

Also... I found this great website showcasing what can be found in people's refrigerators. I may find it amusing because I often doodle the inside of refrigerators, but none the less, I like it. So check it
i gots a camera just like that, but sadly it doesn't work.
yours is prettier than mine as well, but keep that on the dl.
Oh, that is terrible that it doesn't work, but fantastic that it's around... I won't tell it you think mine is prettier.
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