Monday, March 16, 2009


Alright, so most of these songs are not great feats of musical mastery, they are the mainstream, mindless tracks that we are expected to like as youth. But I still indulge in my fair share of crap... and like these videos for various reasons.

First, Paula Abdul, "Cold Hearted Snake." Its a little strange to watch this now that Paula has been an American Idol judge, but I think is has great choreography. Its like watching sex with wonderful lines.

Next, Rhianna's "Umbrella." I really like the focus shifts at the start of the video, interesting and creative cinematography. There is also some appealing choreography as well as a lovely art-like section featuring a naked Rhianna painted silver. While I know that the intention was showcasing the female form for other reasons, I find it rather lovely and an artistic way to look at the body, with the way they have her positioned and the various parts they foucus on. Like her back.

Finally, the "queen of pop" herself, Britney Spears in "Circus." I think I like this one because of the use of silhouetting (which I love) as well as the subject matter. A circus is a wonderful thing to play around with, especially a glorified Britney version. There is also some interesting choreography (of course, usually the main focus of a pop video), like the part with the male dancer lusting after Britney, near her face... its a little strange but interesting to watch.

So there you are.

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