Alright so, I would like to start by sharing this link that my dad sent me. Its just brim full of great photos of famous people. My dad and I are particularly fond of the Alfred Hitchcock one (with his kids). And on the topic of photography, my friend Dan Muchnik has a portfolio online of photos he did for his practicum. They are really interesting because they look kinda fake (having been shot on a large format camera.) You can take a peek here. I have to read the Story of Babar today for my history class which I'm amused about. When I went to buy my textbooks they were weirded out by the fact that the children's book was in the textbook section, though they shouldn't be at this point considering that it is Emerson. Recently we watched the Black Robe in class.
I want to go to wherever they shot it (Canada I think) because it is just gorgeous. Indians were also just so wonderful, I really would like to know what it would be like now if Europeans hadn't intervened. I mean, we did get written language out of it I guess but it seems so sad. If nothing else I like the Indian way of thinking about things, but watching the movie the Indians just seemed cooler. Like their chanting and singing compared to the French (because the French are the Europeans that this film features.) I was trying to find a still of this tribe that they meet that has coats made out of wolf hides, they wear the wolf head like a hood and I just liked it. Anyway. I like Indians. Oh but, I found this awkward movie that these kids made for a history class while looking for the trailer.
Its just silly to watch things like that. In other school news, I just watched the end of Season Two of Buffy and that shit is intense. Woah. It also just made me like Spike a lot more. I'm on Team Spike (as opposed to Team Angel). But they are good at irony and just making everything intense in general. It gets better as you go on. The episode "I Only Have Eyes for You" is also good... the whole thing is on youtube but this is the good part (start at 2 minutes... they are being possessed by ghosts):
Its just a good bit of writing and it totally reflects Buffy and Angel's relationship. Not to sound like a Buffy freak. I'm just watching it all the time for class now. And on that note. I'm off.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I once saw a sunset so vivid and warm that I swore it was perfect
I once had a lover, I'm not sure if I'll recover, but I know it was worth it
Then, last night in the car, the falling raindrops looked like stars of some incalculable speed
Then later, my friends said "Good to see you again, this is a home to me"
So I wrote a song and I called it "The Love of my Life"
Said "don't be gone long", it now sings me to sleep every night
And I never learned a lesson looking at my own reflection, but sometimes it seems useful
So I loosen my heart strings in high hopes of starting to find something truthful
Cynicism isn't wisdom, it's a lazy way to say that youive been burned
It seems, if anything, you'd be less certain after everything you ever learned
I once had a lover, I'm not sure if I'll recover, but I know it was worth it
Then, last night in the car, the falling raindrops looked like stars of some incalculable speed
Then later, my friends said "Good to see you again, this is a home to me"
So I wrote a song and I called it "The Love of my Life"
Said "don't be gone long", it now sings me to sleep every night
And I never learned a lesson looking at my own reflection, but sometimes it seems useful
So I loosen my heart strings in high hopes of starting to find something truthful
Cynicism isn't wisdom, it's a lazy way to say that youive been burned
It seems, if anything, you'd be less certain after everything you ever learned
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I have been incredibly busy lately. The film shoot was fantastic but time consuming... as always. I will put some production stills up so you, dear reader, can see me in action.

Exciting right? In other news, I just bought this turntable.
It is incredibly unpractical for me to have bought it here in Boston considering that my records (mostly hand me downs from dad) are at home... not to mention that I already have a hard enough time transporting things from one place to another... but who am I to be practical? I'm incredibly excited that I finally bought one and that it can very easily turn into a suitcase and that it has speakers built in. Kris has the same one. I stayed over at her place (Livi lives there too) for a girl slumber party last night (Caroline attended also). We drank wine on their cute balcony and talked while Kris made a collage for homework. We listened to Black Keys, Johnny Cash and T Rex on vinyl before taking a quick field trip to the boy's apartment (Sam, Riley, Jared and Nick.) Livi and I came home together and watched Pocahontas while eating leftovers and talking about what the world would be like if the Indians had been able to continue as they were. It must have been amazing to see this country back then. I love Pocahontas. It also related to our history class (we have been going over things like Cortes and the Aztecs.)
The other night I went to the park with Emma, Dan and Figgs to BBQ on this little grill Figgs bought from a thrift store for $4. We drank champagne and wine and grilled onion, veggie burgers (for the girls) and brats (for the boys.) There were all kinds of fun things to play on and everyone took turns putting on my skirt (made of wool and therefore good for sliding) and went down the slide. There was also this ball nest type thing made out of rope that we sat in and a two person teeter totter. Another roped thing was in the shape of a tree and had a soft rubber bottom that you could sit in, it also spun around. While sitting in it we decided that we were the teepee club. The most fun playground item however was this teeter totter swing thing that had two round seats (like a swing you would hang off a tree.) The boys climbed on top and Emma and I sat on the seats so they could swing us. It was crazy and kind of terrifying but so fun. We screamed every time they sent us flying up only to be whip-lashed down. Its hard to describe but I assure you it was fun. I am thinking about buying these booties:
I just got some Diana Minis Developed:

The other night I went to the park with Emma, Dan and Figgs to BBQ on this little grill Figgs bought from a thrift store for $4. We drank champagne and wine and grilled onion, veggie burgers (for the girls) and brats (for the boys.) There were all kinds of fun things to play on and everyone took turns putting on my skirt (made of wool and therefore good for sliding) and went down the slide. There was also this ball nest type thing made out of rope that we sat in and a two person teeter totter. Another roped thing was in the shape of a tree and had a soft rubber bottom that you could sit in, it also spun around. While sitting in it we decided that we were the teepee club. The most fun playground item however was this teeter totter swing thing that had two round seats (like a swing you would hang off a tree.) The boys climbed on top and Emma and I sat on the seats so they could swing us. It was crazy and kind of terrifying but so fun. We screamed every time they sent us flying up only to be whip-lashed down. Its hard to describe but I assure you it was fun. I am thinking about buying these booties:

I just got some Diana Minis Developed:
Friday, September 10, 2010
I would like to start with this gem. David B. Weaver never fails.
So I have moved into my room. Here are some not so great photo booth photos to give you an idea of what it looks like.

A glamor shot of my septum. You know.
So yes. I am here in Boston and I have started to take classes. Tomorrow is my first film shoot. I am already ACing on a BFA that my friend Dan Muchnik is DPing. So that will be good. We are shooting in some really wonderful places such as the Boston Public Library and the Museum of Fine Arts. In other news, I have been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer for my Buffy the Vampire Slayer Class. Yes, Emerson does offer a semester long class on the show. But Cibo Matto was featured at the Bronze in season two with this somewhat scandalous scene (it starts right at the beginning of this segment of the show conveniently.)
All seven seasons (plus Angel and the movie) are on watch instantly Netflix right now... though it also appears that a lot are on YouTube too. In other news... I got hired! I am now working at the Paramount Soundstage. This is both intimidating and excited because of the things I am going to learn and do. Its all about lighting which is very important to cinematography... my cinematography classes are going to be held in the same place. I have been starting to read the Set Lighting Technician's Handbook... I think that is all for now. I'm going to read over the Aaton camera Manual and wait to see what the night brings.
me-OWWWW from Sarah Ginsburg on Vimeo.
So I have moved into my room. Here are some not so great photo booth photos to give you an idea of what it looks like.

All seven seasons (plus Angel and the movie) are on watch instantly Netflix right now... though it also appears that a lot are on YouTube too. In other news... I got hired! I am now working at the Paramount Soundstage. This is both intimidating and excited because of the things I am going to learn and do. Its all about lighting which is very important to cinematography... my cinematography classes are going to be held in the same place. I have been starting to read the Set Lighting Technician's Handbook... I think that is all for now. I'm going to read over the Aaton camera Manual and wait to see what the night brings.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I made it to Boston. Whoever thought humidity was okay was terribly wrong. I keep getting waves of heat through the fan that I am sitting diligently in front of. It is so hot here. I have just been applying for on campus employment. I applied to work at the campus center (being a desk sitter and renting out rooms and such), the Paramount soundstage (helping with soundstage things such as setting up cameras and lighting things), and I might apply to work at the costume shop (repairing garments and knowing the inventory and such... I just need to know if I should know how to sew ahead of time or if they will teach me... which would be awesome.) So we'll see what happens with that. I also just discovered that I have homework for my Buffy class which starts this next week. The email was titled "Welcome to the Hellmouth." This class should be interesting to say the least considering I have only seen one episode of the show and that was the musical via Keighley. I would like to try it out though. Last night Kevin and I went to Jackie and LeeAnnes place for what was supposed to be a party but ended up being a few couples plus Faye and her roommate playing Kings with the Sorbet punch that Jackie made. Their place was really cute though and the version of kings we played was fun. It included sending people on quests to find things, saying two truths and a lie, dares (lick Jackies cat), saying ducky fuzz, to the queen and some of the classic ones... never have I ever, categories, ext. I was expecting to see more people but it was good to see the ones who were there. They live super far away though, in like Brighton (on the Green Line B train, Sutherland Rd stop)... which is a bit of a trek coming from Cambridge (where Kevin lives, off Central Square.) In other Emerson people news: my old roommate Gabrielle has moved to Thailand with her boy friend David and they have a blog. I also was giving people the wrong address to mail things to me... (it works for packages) so I need to supply the correct one. (It is locked in my room... I was able to dash in there yesterday (getting super sweaty yuck) after arriving from the airport and drop off my bags. I took a little bag with some stuff for the next few days before I am actually allowed to move in. The address is in my room with all my stuff that I do not have access to. That said I got an email today saying that I had a package (or at least some kind of mail at the mail room) so I am going to investigate that one. I have no idea what it could be. Finally, I really want to steal one of the other bedrooms in our suite. It has two windows (!) including a bay window, looks out over the street (plus part of a building but who cares), has great lighting and good furniture layout. It also is tucked at the back of the suite and is decently sized. I don't know whose room it is supposed to be but I want it. I got a little shafted out of room selection since I was in Europe but I have a decent one. Its not really small like the one next door to me... but it is also not the two windowed room... so we'll have to see about all that. I am getting ready to embark on a journey back to campus... I have access to a bike but feel nervous about riding it in the city. I might just do it though. So that is Boston so far. Riley is having a party tomorrow.
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