The other night I went to the park with Emma, Dan and Figgs to BBQ on this little grill Figgs bought from a thrift store for $4. We drank champagne and wine and grilled onion, veggie burgers (for the girls) and brats (for the boys.) There were all kinds of fun things to play on and everyone took turns putting on my skirt (made of wool and therefore good for sliding) and went down the slide. There was also this ball nest type thing made out of rope that we sat in and a two person teeter totter. Another roped thing was in the shape of a tree and had a soft rubber bottom that you could sit in, it also spun around. While sitting in it we decided that we were the teepee club. The most fun playground item however was this teeter totter swing thing that had two round seats (like a swing you would hang off a tree.) The boys climbed on top and Emma and I sat on the seats so they could swing us. It was crazy and kind of terrifying but so fun. We screamed every time they sent us flying up only to be whip-lashed down. Its hard to describe but I assure you it was fun. I am thinking about buying these booties:

I just got some Diana Minis Developed:
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