Saturday, February 7, 2009


Jen and I have been going to the gym a lot lately, which has been really fantastic but I am left in a state of perpetual soreness. I feel great whenever I spend some time being active, so hopefully I'm on a good track that will become habit. I'm hoping to go backpacking this summer and exercise is always a good idea before embarking on trips.

Yesterday I was all over the place emotionally, sometimes I surprise myself because the littlest things have the power to make me feel things. The morning brought pure happiness. Zeb called me really early to see if he could stop by to drop off my jacket and we had a wonderful interaction that left me feeling... happy. I also received a camera later in the day that caused another spurt of happiness and also left me feeling, well touched. It was in the midst of a pleasant dinner with Kelly. We finally saw each other for a period of time beyond five minutes which was lovely. However I did get left with Nole (not sure how he spells his name) and could not extract myself from his constant stream of talking. He is a very nice guy, but he talks more than I do. I heard about his screenplay ideas, short stories, how he often keeps text books, about his high school and Latin and Greek (he took both during high school), as well as his theory that our Ethics teacher went to a similar school. I heard about his ex-girlfriend and her graduation party and the guy she is dating now, as well as a friend he made through her and an animation project they want to work on. He showed me a video of "his" dog (it belongs to his friend but he loves it) and talked about it's tendencies and the people it likes. Then it was on to how he got into college and so on and so forth. After I managed to cut in and escape from Nole, Jen and I did an evening gym run and then we went to the movies with Emily and Hailey, we saw He's Just Not That Into You. It was incredibly crowded which always makes things interesting, everyone reacts: swooning and clapping and screaming at certain parts. The movie ended up leaving me feeling a bit low, which is ridiculous. Tonight we are supposed to go to a Berkley funk show with Emily, I'm not totally thrilled about the idea right now...

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