Cupcakes are cute. Polaroids are love. and Dinos rock.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Please note: I've included photos from my first dark room trip throughout this entry. So today I went to Zeb's place to work on the music video. We are doing a different song now and saving the diorama... but my new idea was to do a Hansel and Gretel type scavenger hunt. Basically we are going to have Zeb's head (photo style) on this really old awesome TV and do some stop motion, a girl is going to come into frame and whisper into his ear and then... if we can... climb out of the TV and he will follow. She is going to leave things that he will pick up along the way and eventually reach her at the end. I think we should incorporate all the things he's found along the way into the end. I have paint all over now, as usually is the case when returning from Zeb's but have a nice satisfaction that I always do from making something. I love to paint and I love that I get to incorporate that with music and film. After we had some food I listened to Zeb and Scott practice the new song they are recording tonight. Scott on banjo and Zeb finger picking his guitar, they were also singing, but not actual words, just sounds harmonized. It was a really lovely song, I really liked it. I snapped some Holga pics that I'm hoping will come out, though they are black and white... I want some more color film. Speaking of prints... I went to the darkroom with Christina last night and she taught me the basics. It was really relaxing and wonderful. Yesterday was an interesting mosh of things actually. Feeling restless I decided to pack a book, music and my Holga and wander down to the Common. John, a kid from Berklee who kinda reminds me of Jesse and is kinda into me? (but I'm not so into that... he is very nice though), called me to see if I wanted to smoke hookah with him. I was watching Quidditch (which ended up being extremely amusing... the Snitch is a person who basically just fucks around and annoyed the seekers, and needless to say, I enjoyed watching them. I mean its like tag, hide and seek, rugby, dodgeball, football, and basketball all mixed into one with capes and brooms) and told him to come find me. We then had some cinnamon apple and clove shisha while watching the game. He brought a ukulele which was amusing and nice. After some more of his friends showed up I left and met Kelly. She wanted to see the Quidditch spektacle so we stopped by to watch the last game of the tournament before heading to get some food. On our way back from dinner I ran into Sharif and Christina and others from the cultural center... they were putting on a play: "Looking for Something We Had the Entire Time: A collection of pieces from Susan Lori Parks, 365Days/365Plays" we decided to go in. It was a kinda beatnik like play, about race, experimental but with a lot of underlying meaning. There were some really funny bits, and I enjoyed it. Then it was darkroom time. Ah, I wanted to share a video that I viewed with Zebulon. I like this song. I also recieved my new Coconut Records album in the mail today.I didn't actually take or develop this one... I just saved it from the trash.
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