Sunday, January 30, 2011

So my friend/roommate Christie just started a blog... and look at this post from Gabby.
I am thinking about buying a black bird camera but I cannot decide which is better to buy, an LCA or this little beauty. The black bird is cheaper but I have wanted the LCA for a while. Either way I will get it through B&H I think and use the giftcard that I got last Christmas.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We were so happy. Here is a disposable of me and Kris facepainted from later in the day:

It reminds me of this fort that I stumbled on in a facebook album that looks absolutely wonderful and divine.

And of our cozy little place in Ireland:

Monday, January 24, 2011

She is in charge of transfer credits at the Registrars office and she immediately counted "Intro to Fiction" as "Intro to College Writing" so I wouldn't have to take a beginning level course. I lovvveeee her. The bitch at academic advising just gave me a talk about "better planning" and told me there was nothing to do but take it. Never settle. That is what this college has taught me. Everything they told me I couldn't do... I did.
I've been wanting to post the opening scene to Loves of a Blonde and I stumbled across it today while looking for A Touch of Evil (which I have to watch for class but can't watch instantly netflix it... my DVD didn't arrive in time.) Anyway, I am particularly fond of the song/beginning whispered conversation between the girls.
I had my first documentary photo class today and I liked it. The professor is a really mellow guy who brought in some good photo books. I really love photo books. I end up looking over the photos a lot longer than anyone else in my class. Once I am settled into a house I will start to get some of my own, as of now... it's just not practical to be toting them from one end of the country to the other. For those who don't know here is my schedule this semester:
So all cameras... all production classes. That is of course as long as I can figure out this Intro to College Writing nonsense. I was told when I got to Emerson that the English class I took in high school through CU at Denver would be able to transfer and give me credit for Intro to College writing, so I took the next level writing course and skipped that. A whole lot of miscommunication and lost transcripts later... they will not let me get credit for it because it was entitled "Intro to Fiction" but it was a writing class that used fiction as things to write about. So annoying. Now I have to see what loopholes I can find so I can get the little check mark next to that requirement and graduate like I wanted to while still maintaining this schedule. I was going to sacrifice documentary photo initially if things didn't work out... but now I like it and don't want to do that. Sigh. I am a effing senior, I think that I can write in college seeing as I made it to my last semester. Anyway, our first assignment is to photograph a relationship but with a twist. We all had to draw a little slip of paper that had either R or NR on it. Real or not real. If you got R you take photos of a real relationship, it you got NR you take photos of two people who don't know each other (or who don't have a relationship together) and make it look like they do. That is the one I got, NR. It should be interesting. My mind is full of coming up with projects now. Anyway, I am going to go watch A Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, with one of the best long shots everrrr) for lighting now. I finally found it on the web.
I had my first documentary photo class today and I liked it. The professor is a really mellow guy who brought in some good photo books. I really love photo books. I end up looking over the photos a lot longer than anyone else in my class. Once I am settled into a house I will start to get some of my own, as of now... it's just not practical to be toting them from one end of the country to the other. For those who don't know here is my schedule this semester:
So all cameras... all production classes. That is of course as long as I can figure out this Intro to College Writing nonsense. I was told when I got to Emerson that the English class I took in high school through CU at Denver would be able to transfer and give me credit for Intro to College writing, so I took the next level writing course and skipped that. A whole lot of miscommunication and lost transcripts later... they will not let me get credit for it because it was entitled "Intro to Fiction" but it was a writing class that used fiction as things to write about. So annoying. Now I have to see what loopholes I can find so I can get the little check mark next to that requirement and graduate like I wanted to while still maintaining this schedule. I was going to sacrifice documentary photo initially if things didn't work out... but now I like it and don't want to do that. Sigh. I am a effing senior, I think that I can write in college seeing as I made it to my last semester. Anyway, our first assignment is to photograph a relationship but with a twist. We all had to draw a little slip of paper that had either R or NR on it. Real or not real. If you got R you take photos of a real relationship, it you got NR you take photos of two people who don't know each other (or who don't have a relationship together) and make it look like they do. That is the one I got, NR. It should be interesting. My mind is full of coming up with projects now. Anyway, I am going to go watch A Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, with one of the best long shots everrrr) for lighting now. I finally found it on the web.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Hello lovely people who are reading this. Last night I went to Lilly's birthday party which was future themed. They had blacklight paint so everyone got their faces painted up.
Here is a photo I snagged from Riley's fbook to demonstrate the blacklight bit:
And here is one from Caitilin's fbook:
I woke up this morning to a pile of things surround my bed, including a mug of orange juice and goldfish, a flask (its origins are unknown), half a bottle of beer with the labels peeled off, my computer paused in the middle of The Fifth Element, clothes, shoes, and glowsticks. When I came out of my room Molly and Rita laughed and exclaimed that I must have had a good night, the facepaint was still very much on my face. After a shower and brunch I went to babysit, I was covering for my roommate Christie who went home for a surprise birthday party for her aunt. The family lived on the eleventh floor of a high rise near the Pru. There were two little girls, Zoe: 4 and Lela: 2. It was mellow. When they had nap time I watched the end of Catch That Kid because Kristen Stewart is in it and she is like twelve at the time and had some string cheese.
Apparently the whole thing is on youtube. Now I am eating yet even more goldfish and having coffee.

Apparently the whole thing is on youtube. Now I am eating yet even more goldfish and having coffee.
Monday, January 17, 2011
So I am back in Boston. And so far its kinda weird because none of my roommates are back yet, so I am floating around solo. I do wish that I could have flown out today and have gone skiing yesterday but oh welllll. On my flight I spent a ridiculous amount of time going through the Sky Mall catalog. It is seriously one of the most amusing things. They had a harness you could put on to pull your suitcase around which makes me wonder if anyone has bought it. (There is always skymall.com if you are looking for useful items such as a marshmellow shooter.)
Who flips through and thinks that the harness is a great idea? I should have taken a copy of it to chop up. I did rip out an article from United's magazine about this artist that does knitting graffiti... she knits things to put around lampposts and such. Her name is Magda Sayeg.

The guy who I was sitting next to on the flight asked me at the end what I had torn out.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
(I am unsure of why the formatting at the bottom of that last post is messed up but no matter what I do the text is LARGE. So. Oh well.) Also, I just watched the Fifth Element, a classic and here is this:
Zeb just sent me this completed music video and it is fantastic. The bit with the unknitting at the end... love. Anyway, it also makes me feel shitty for never finishing one of their music videos. We had some great ideas and always started to work on things and never finished... now I actually want to finish one for them. 
Not the most beautiful thing ever, but decent since I made it the same day I learned right? Its a little ipod pouch and I am going to send it to someone. I will continue to make things to send for the people who responded to my facebook status:
I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment on this here status.
So I am sending things to:
Other Ariana
I best get busy making things. I love sending things through the mail. And I liked doing this because it gave me some people I never would have sent things to. Though other Ariana told me to "bring it to practice" and I have absolutely no idea what she is talking about... so now I am wondering if she things I am someone else. I don't really know her... she is friends with some of my friends and she goes to Emerson and she fbooked requested me. So maybe she thinks I am someone else? That is just weird though because there are photos of me on facebook, and it seems like she should recognize someone she practices with by their face right? Who knows. Sometimes these things happen. I, for instance, recently had a terrible incident while I was drunk and tried to continue to make out with the guy I had started to hook up with earlier in the night and climbed in bed with someone else... that was fun when I figured that one out. And it went on wayyy longer than it should have. Of course, now looking back it seems so obvious, but at the time... well I was drunk right? I guess it was just a little "love the one your with" thing. Anywayyyy. I am going to pop on to craigslist and go car shopping.
Mornin' Old Sport - 'Cold Secret' from angelastempel on Vimeo.
I think I have become more confident with my filming abilities. The last piece that I worked on with Brian enabled me to take some shots and they came out exactly how I wanted them... the whole thing came out really well I think actually. I did most of the handheld stuff, such as the close up shot with the sunflare and the bit going on to the porch when they get ready to rob the house. Anyway, since that came out well, and my cinematography project was pretty decent, now I just want to make things and keep trying to make them turn out well. I have to babysit for a little while tonight for the Newhard kids. Hopefully that all goes smoothly, though I'm sure it will be fine. I have been learning to crochet and new knitting patterns lately. I have been having watch instantly Netflix marathons while creating things out of yarn at night. Here is the first thing I ever crocheted:

I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment on this here status.
So I am sending things to:
Other Ariana
I best get busy making things. I love sending things through the mail. And I liked doing this because it gave me some people I never would have sent things to. Though other Ariana told me to "bring it to practice" and I have absolutely no idea what she is talking about... so now I am wondering if she things I am someone else. I don't really know her... she is friends with some of my friends and she goes to Emerson and she fbooked requested me. So maybe she thinks I am someone else? That is just weird though because there are photos of me on facebook, and it seems like she should recognize someone she practices with by their face right? Who knows. Sometimes these things happen. I, for instance, recently had a terrible incident while I was drunk and tried to continue to make out with the guy I had started to hook up with earlier in the night and climbed in bed with someone else... that was fun when I figured that one out. And it went on wayyy longer than it should have. Of course, now looking back it seems so obvious, but at the time... well I was drunk right? I guess it was just a little "love the one your with" thing. Anywayyyy. I am going to pop on to craigslist and go car shopping.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Hello, I am back as promised, without my wisdom teeth. It actually is not effecting me that badly, (though last night was awful) with the exception of swollen cheeks:
Today I ended up having a movie marathon of sorts (without intending to) with Ms. Janie Gosney. She picked me up to see an afternoon screening of the Black Swan at the Isis, which made me want to do ballet, and afterward we got drinks at a cafe. I had peppermint tea, which could be my favorite kind of tea, and she had hot chocolate. We got a call from her mom after that which resulted in me being invited to dinner (sushi!) and another movie (Country Strong, which I really didn't have much of a desire to see... but free movie, why not? It was actually different than I had anticipated.) Now I am back home for the night to read, write letters (which I have been severely slacking in... I apologize to those of you who I owe correspondence), and watch old VHS tapes. I've recently been watching the old classics I used to be way into in middle school, such as Heartbreakers and Charlie's Angels. Its weird how much I remember of them. I guess I did watch them quite a bit. I don't know if I really have much more to say right now, just wanted to say hello. Oh, but one more thing about movies... I saw Blue Valentine at Academy screenings in Aspen and really liked it. I want to date Ryan G's character. "This is how people laugh in the future: HAHAHAHA." Watch it. Then you'll get it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Hello all. Its been a while. I am in Colorado and have to babysit pretty soon here... I always seem to run out of time even when I am not doing much of anything. I have some stories to share. I think I will save them for later though... in the meantime here are some things: I am trying to go to Thailand with Malika, Hannah, and Talia after I finish my film program and internship in LA this summer. Of course I also need to get a car for said program... so that is going to be a bit tough financially. I just got my work schedule for next semester though so that is something. I need to get a flask so I can give myself much cheaper refills when I go out for drinks which happens at least once a week on account of ladies night (Hannah Talia (and Malika when she still lived in Boston) made a point to go out at least once a week after class, which I do really enjoy, its a nice release.) Anyway, they are exciting things even though I'm a broke college student who should be concentrating on getting a job now that I am about to graduate (last semester starts half way through January.) Alright, this was brief but I must be off to play the role of mom. Here are some songs.
I went to a party right before I left Boston and they were playing Fumi Kuti when I got there and it was FANTASTIC. There was a great mood in that house. Then of course they started watching David Lynch which totally disrupted things. They did have a fire outside which was also wonderful I should note.
And finally. Malika has a blog! So read it here.
I went to a party right before I left Boston and they were playing Fumi Kuti when I got there and it was FANTASTIC. There was a great mood in that house. Then of course they started watching David Lynch which totally disrupted things. They did have a fire outside which was also wonderful I should note.
And finally. Malika has a blog! So read it here.
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