I am now dog sitting. Its a bit strange to sit in a house alone for a while that isn't your space. I think it makes me feel more alone because I am not surrounded by my things. Jane might come over later since the house is just down the street from hers. The two dogs I'm watching, Woody and Bisbie are these weird little things. I keep stopping whatever I am doing (mostly internet) related to watch them in slight confusion. They both hobble around somewhat, especially Woody, its like he has a peg leg. They also do a strange licking thing where they put their tongues straight in and out. Woody went outside and sat in the rain for a bit and when he came back in he couldn't really shake and ended up sort of falling onto his butt. He is just dysfunctional when it comes to moving. Bisbie stared at me for a while when I first got here and made weird noises. They are just weird.
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