Saturday, January 31, 2009


So, I take belly dancing classes when I am home. (Except I'm not sure how I stand with Aarin, the teacher, (who is pregnant in this video) because of a terrible happening involving her dog. God, I cannot even think about it. But she is a beautiful dancer. I wish I could dance like her, that is my goal.) Anyway, this was posted on Facebook by one of the dancers from Aarin's troupe, Sahara Moon. I think the choreography is wonderful, as is the dancing.



Keighley said...

That video and choreography kicks it. Also....the way you structured your sentence, it sounds like Aarin is pregnant because of the dog. Seriously. haha.

Hanna said...

That is interesting that you say that actually... I was staring at that sentence when I was reading back over it and thought "that doesn't really work... Oh well" or something along those lines. But the part where they do hip lifts and slides is so good.

Hanna said...

Upon second reading I think I will in fact change it. Because that is seriously how it sounds.