I've started my film one production class, I will be shooting on actual 16mm film for the first time and learning how to edit by hand. Cut the film and tape it together stylie. We started to learn and look at the camera last class. You have to wind it by hand and then you have thirty seconds to shoot, because that is how long the motor will go after you wind it... They are old but cool. You can do double exposures and cross fades by closing the iris. They also have a setting where you can shoot one frame at a time, which would be fantastic for animation, especially stop motion. I think I want to shoot one of my ideas with the Bolex. It would go along the lines of my last film, Lucy's shoes, where it would be part live action and part animation, and would feature a little girl. The idea is that see is in the bath, playing anf pretending, maybe that she is a mermaid. She puts her face under the water and opens her eyes wide to discover another underwater world in her bathtub. She puts some of her bath water in a fish bowl and brings it to school to show the other kids, they are all amazed. Eventually something happens and the fish bowl breaks. However on her way home she discovers another world. Where I am not sure yet. I think it will work out well to use a Bolex though because, well its film, and it would cut a step out of my animation process.

This is the Steenbeck where you edit the film... I'm not sure what the "early casualty" caption is all about, but I liked the photo. You run the film from one spool to another and part of it passes a little razor guillotine type thing where you chop it, and then there is a little part where you tape your two pieces together on the bottom and top. The little screen is so you can look at it, it is projected when you put it through this little passage with a lightbulb. Not the best description, but that is kinda how it works. After the Bolex class I stayed back to chat with my professor about the animation options. She is this really young woman who went to the Mueseum of Fine Arts School and was a traveling scholar, where you are given money to do artwork while you travel. It is a really cool program, she was making Super 8 films while she traveled cross country with hers. I really like her because of this. I want to travel cross country so much. I really want to do a camping road trip. Me and Kelly (my roommate) were talking about doing it this summer, but we don't have a car since mine is not really realiable (though honestly I would love to take it) and we are not old enough to rent one. Though my parents were talking about getting for me, like signing for it. But then there is all that liability and crap if something were to happen... she has also never been camping before which makes me aprehensive. And I don't know there are some other little things. I kinda just want to go with one of my friends from home, not that I don't like Kelly or anything, its just that I've wanted to do this for so long... and there is more security in friends you've known for a while. We'll see what happens. Anyway, I started chatting with my teacher, Pam, and we got all chummy. She really liked my new rings and started telling me about her weekend plans and such. This is not something I stumble across very often, most professors are kinda stand offish and don't really get social. Like my lit teacher last semester, I thought she was really kinda fabulous, and she was, but kinda awkward socially. I don't know... I am just happy with this interaction because I just really like her. Like I would hang out with her. We just talked about art and she was all for me talking her ear off... hah, she said she could sit around talking like that all day. She is just one of my kind of people. Ah so, that sums up the Bolex and company.
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